BullDog Ants
They are also known as Mermacia and Bull Ants and are found in Australia. They are known as sergeant and inch ants and are in 40 mm in length. they are known for aggressive behavior and their sting. Their venom can cause anaphylatic shock. The sting should be given immediate treatment or it may be fatal. They have large eyes which give them vision of 1 meter and they eat small insects and sticky substance of the leaves. The males generally drink the nectar but larvae eat the small insects bought by the hunters. Hence they are the most dangerous ants.
Army Ants
They are also known as Saifu ants and are found in western Africa. They are having mandibles which are extremely sharp like a razor. They are very short tempered and they have been named so because a large number of them can be found in a certain area. They do not have permanent nests and They are able to capture huge insects and spiders very easily and are having soldiers to protect them. The food is fed to the larvae and the queen. The queen is fed when she is going to lay eggs.
Ravoux’s Slave Maker
You know that the name sounds too terrifying and it best suites these ants. They are masters of the ant world and all the other ants can not fight with them. They are found in Europe. Their queen is very clever and fakes her death whenever ant from other colonies intrude. When she is in the nest of the enemy she kills the queen and start producing eggs and attack the whole colony. The slave makers then find another colony and the same procedure is repeated of attacking and capturing.
Red Harvester Ant
The Red Harvester Ants are also known as Maricopa Ants. They are venomous. Infact they are considered to be one of the most venomous ants in the world. beware of its sting as if it strikes you then there would be lymph nodes all over and if anyone is allergic to venom then there should be first aid treatment and also its sting is that much strong that its 13 stings may cause death of a big rat which is 100 times bigger than this small ant. So please think before stepping on it as it may cause a lot of pain.
Paraponera Ant

They are known as Lesser Giant Hunting Ants. The pain caused by its sting is known as most painful and can not be compared to any other pain.Surprisingly the victims say that the pain caused by the sting is equal to be getting shot. It is also very irritating when even it is repaired. It feels like a burning sensation. The pain may persist for one day. It can paralyze the small insects with their venom. A type of tribe in Brazil use them and make them in their glove and then they bite them and then only the tribals are called warriors. Even when they bite the warriors suffer a lot of pain for 24 hours but even then they use it.
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