by: Muhammad Qamar shafiq
My SEO interview
question and answers helps you to Cracking the interviewers questions very
easily and very confidentially.Read them and prepare for your seo
Q1. Tell me something about yourself ?
Ans. You should tell
him very confidentially about yourself your strength and your Aim.
Q2. What you know about SEO ?
Ans.It is process of
getting traffic from free and paid listing on the search engine like.
Q3. How to get top position in SEO ?
Ans. With the help of
two factors we get top position in Search Engine
Q4. What do you know about ON Page Optimization ?
Ans. Where we need to
work on On page of our site and we can make changes on title tag, meta tag,site
structure and site content, links and keyword.And On page optimization we need
to work also on logical factors.
Q5. What do you know about Off Page Optimization ?
Ans.Off page
optimization means we can work on important factors like directory
submission,link building,social media and fresh content.And Off page optimization
we don't need to work on logical abilities.
Q6. Do you know about latest update in SEO ?
Ans.Yes Sir i know
about latest updates in SEO
1) Panda
2) penguin
Ans. The Panda
is for improve the search result in Google.The latest panda version is
2.5.3 . All the focus
was transformed on the user and now quality content , proper design, proper
speed, proper use of images and videos, content to ad ratio all
mattered more after the Panda update.
Q8. What do you know about latest update in penguin ?
Ans. In
the September 5 the Google penguin 3 has updated.
Mutt cutts says it is the new data refresh. 0.3% english language has effected.
Penguin is the code name of the google algorithm. It is first arrived the April
24 2012. It’s goal is decreasing the ranking of the website that violate the
Google Webmaster guidelines. This guidelines are violated by using black ghat
SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, cloaking etc. Lots of duplicate sites are
effected by this update. When it first arrived 3.1% search query has effected.
But now only 0.3% has effected. Still it is very much dangerous for
the SEO. I think best technique is that only directory submission can help you.
It can overcome some damage of your site. But after all it’s very bad
news for the world of SEO
Q9. Who is Matt cutts ?
Ans. Matt cutt is
the head of Google web spam team.
Q10. What is keyword stemming ?
Ans. keyword stemming
is the process of finding out the root word from the search query..
Q11.What is keyword density ?
Ans. Keyword density
make your content stand out in crowd.
Here is important formula of keyword density
total no of keyword
total no of words in your artical
Q12. What are webmastertools ?
Ans. Webmaster tools is free service by google where we can
check all the details like indexing data,daily user, stats ,search query,CTR
and XML sitemap.
Q13. Which Important factors makes ON Page Optimization
better ?
Ans. In On Page Optimization there are some important factors
- Title Tag
- Meta tag
- Keyword
- Sitemap
- Images
- Internal linking
- Bread crimp.
Q14. Which Important factors makes Off Page Optimization
better ?
Ans. In Off Page Optimization there are some
important factors like
- Directory Submission
- Artical Submission
- Press Release
- Blog Writing/posting/creation
- Classified Submission
- Social Media
Q15. What is google Sandbox ?
Ans. Google sandbox is
an imaginary area where less authoritative and new sites taking place
while they are popular and authorized on the web.
Q16. What is LSI ?
Ans. LSI stands for
latent semantic indexing.It is data retrieval technique.
Q17. How many characters limits in Title tag ?
Ans. In title tag
approx 70 characters we can add.
<title>primary keyword(70 char)</title>
Q18. How many types of Meta Tags and their characters limits ?
Ans. 2 types meta tags
in Seo
- Description Meta tag (150 characters limits)
- Keyword Meta tag (200 characters limits)
Q19. What Seo tools do you use ?
Ans. Google webmaster
tools, Google analytic,keyword research,Alexa,open site explorer.
Q20. How many SEO techniques do you know ?
Ans. 1)Black hat seo
2)White hat seo
3)Gray hat seo
Q21. What is Black Hat Seo ? And how many techniques used in it
Ans. Black hat seo is
technique in which we use duplicate issues like
content,photos, video,hidden links,keyword stuffing doorway pages and many
other.It is not good for our site because when Google starts its
crawling it considered the site is full of duplicate issues and he
penalized the site minimum +30 Google page ranking
Black hat techniques
hidden link
keyword stuffing
doorway pages
link farming
mirror side
Note:- For Best seo
this technique is not good avoid this technique..
Ans. White hat seo is
a technique in which we used fresh,good contents in our site.Never used any
kind of duplicate contents in it.It is the best method to get high ranking on
the Search Engine..
White hat techniques
Quality contents
Titles and Meta data
Keyword research
and Effective keyword use
Quality inbound links
Note:- Best technique
for best seo
Q23. What is Bookmarking Sites ?
Ans. Bookmarking sites
helps you to getting instant traffic on your site by his powerful social media
factor.You can easily bookmarks this site on your favorites list and when
it requires you can click on this and you will get this.
Q24.Top 6 Bookmarking sites name ?
Ans. Top Bookmarking
- Twitter
- Pinterest
- reddit
- stumble upon
- Digg
- Delicious
Q25. Tell me One URL short links site name ?
Ans. http://www.bitly.com
Q: Define blog, article & press release?
Ans: A blog is referred as an information or discussion published on website or World Wide Web incorporating distinct entries called as posts. Basically, the blog is referred as everything thing where you can include others too. It is more individual in contrast to article and press release. It is also considered as very personal in subject to both style and comprised ideas and information and can be written in the way just like you may talk to your readers. It is also called Web diary or Online Diary.
The articles are
concerned with specific topic or event and are highly oriented towards an
opinion instead of information. An article is supposed to be more oriented
towards showing up opinions, views and idea. Generally, it is written by
a third party or expert of any specific field.
Press Release is related with a specific
action or event which can be republished by distinct medium of mass-media
including other websites. It should be simple, short and professional. It
conveys a clear message or information.
Q26: What are Meta Tags?
Ans: HTML meta tags are usually referred as tags of page data which sits between opening and closing head tags of a document’s HTML code. Actually these are hidden keywords who sits in the code. These are invisible to visitors but are visible and readable by Search Engines.
<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”Write your description here” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Write your keyword here” />
<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”Write your description here” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Write your keyword here” />
Q27: Difference between keyword &
keyword phrase?
Ans: The keyword term
is basically concerned with a one-word term, on the other hand a keyword
phrase considered as employment of two or more word-combinations.
Therefore, it is very confounded to get high ranking in account of one-word
keyword term until the one-word keyword has little online competition. Therefore,
this practice is not encouraged to employ. In order to drive more traffic and
top ranking in SERP it is recommended to employ keyword phrase.
Q28: Establish a
difference between PR & SERP.
Ans: PR is Page Rank which
is defined by quality inbound links from other website or web-pages to a web
page or website as well as say the importance of that site.
SERP stands for Search
Engine Result Page is the placement of the website or web-page which
is returned by search engine after a search query or attribute.
Q29: Define Alt tag?
Ans: The alt attribute also called as alt tag are employed in XHTML and HTML documents in context of defining alternative text that is supposed to be rendered when the element can’t be rendered to which it is applied. One great feature of alt tag is that it is readable to ‘screen reader’ which is a software by means of which a blind person can hear this. In addition, it delivers alternative information for an image due to some specific reason a user can’t view it such as in case of slow connection and an error occurred in the src attribute.
For example, the HTML for this image will appear something like this:
Ans: The alt attribute also called as alt tag are employed in XHTML and HTML documents in context of defining alternative text that is supposed to be rendered when the element can’t be rendered to which it is applied. One great feature of alt tag is that it is readable to ‘screen reader’ which is a software by means of which a blind person can hear this. In addition, it delivers alternative information for an image due to some specific reason a user can’t view it such as in case of slow connection and an error occurred in the src attribute.
For example, the HTML for this image will appear something like this:
<img alt=”you can
define alt tag just below the input box of image title while uploading or
editing a image.” src=”<http://www.webgranth.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Alt
Q30: What do you know
about Adsense?
Ans: Adword is referred as the
main advertising product of Google which is useful to make appear your ads on
Google and its partner websites including Google Search. This Google’s product
offer PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising which is a primary module and
incorporate a sub module CPC (Cost Per Click) where we bid that rate
that will be charged only when the users click your advertisement. One another
sub module is CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impression) advertising where
advertiser pay for a thousand impression on flat rate to publisher. In addition
it also includes website targeted advertising of banner, text and rich-media
ads. Moreover, the ad will appear especially to those people who are already
looking for such type of product you are offering as well as offer to choose
particular sites with geographical area to show your ads.
Ans: PPC is the abbreviated form of Pay Per Click and is a advertisement campaign conducted by Google. It is referred as a primary module with two sub module CPC (Cost-per-click) and CPM (Cost per thousand impression) through bidding and flat rate respectively. In CPC the advertiser would be only charged when the user click over their advert.
Q33: What are the
aspects in SEO?
Ans: The main aspect in SEO are divided in
two class: SEO On-Page and SEO Off-Page.
SEO On-Page includes Meta tag, description, keywords
optimization, site structure and analysis, etc.
SEO Off-Page aspect are Keyword Research, unique and
quality content, link building through Blog Comments, Blog Posting, Article
submission, Press Release, Classified posting, Forum posting.
Q34: What do you know about RSS?
Q34: What do you know about RSS?
Ans: RSS stands for Really Simple
Syndication is useful to frequently publish all updated works
including news headlines, blog entries etc. This RSS
document also known as web feed, feed or channel that incorporate summarized
text including metadata i.e. authorship and publishing dates etc.
However, RSS feeds
make the publishers flexible by syndicating the content automatically. There is
a standardized file format XML that lets the information to be published once
which can be visible to several distinct programs. Also, this make readers more
ease to get updates timely by allowing them to subscribe from their favorite
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