1. The Earth- What’s in a Name?
Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune. Notice how all planets of the Milky Way are named after Gods and Goddesses of Greek and Roman Mythology?
Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune. Notice how all planets of the Milky Way are named after Gods and Goddesses of Greek and Roman Mythology?
The word, Earth has Old Saxon and Germanic origins. It features an Indo-European base, “er” which in turn resulted in the natural formation of the words ertho and erde in Germanic, aarde in Dutch, and earth in English.
Nobody really knows as to who came up with the name, Earth as most ancient civilizations ultimately refer to the land and soil as Earth, the planet where all humans live in. This is one of the many Earth facts which will remain hidden or unanswered for now.
2. The Earth is Alive?
The earth isn’t just a place where living things can survive and thrive as it is postulated to be a giant living organism itself. The Gaia Hypothesis claims that the Earth is an organic system which has the ability to self-regulate in order to maintain life as we know it.
The earth isn’t just a place where living things can survive and thrive as it is postulated to be a giant living organism itself. The Gaia Hypothesis claims that the Earth is an organic system which has the ability to self-regulate in order to maintain life as we know it.
Studies are underway to prove that there truly is a system which connects the biological and physical processes that transpire among living creatures that inhabit the Earth. And with all the advancements in the field of Earth Science, we are closer to finding out if the Earth is actually a sentient, self-regulating living organism.
3. The Earth’s Scar
It is located along the Western part of SouthAmerica featuring a length of about 4,300 miles and a width of 420 miles. It spans through seven counties namely Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador.
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